Data & Integrations
How to import your data.
- Connection Types for QQ Catalyst, AMS360, and HawkSoft
- Zapier
- API Keys
- Display Name logic
- Support for multiple contacts with the same name
- Custom Fields
- AgencyBloc + Zapier: Create and Update Contacts
- Bloomerang + Zapier: Creating and Updating contacts
- Levitate + MyCase Integration
- Generating an in-app password for Redtail-Levitate connections
- Integration Settings: merging by resource ID
- Merging by resource ID versus email address
- Zapier + donations and payments
- Zapier + HouseCall Pro
- Levitate + Salesforce
- Levitate + DonorPerfect Integration
- AgencyBloc + Zapier: Create and Update Policies
- Switching from one integration to the other