Levitate + Salesforce
Table of Contents
Levitate + Salesforce: What is the integration?
Who can utilize the Levitate + Salesforce integration?
What does the integration do?
What do we pull in?
What do we push back to Salesforce?
Enabling the Salesforce integration?
Levitate + Salesforce: What is the integration?
Through our partnership with Merge, we've created an integration for Salesforce users, to simplify contact creation and management in Levitate. Without the integration, Levitate relies on a manual export of Salesforce data to build the lists of contacts with whom you keep in touch. The Levitate + Salesforce integration syncs your contacts twice daily so you can seamlessly nurther those relationships.
Who can utilize the Levitate + Salesforce integration?
The customer has to have a Salesforce edition that includes API access in order for us to sync. That means they have to have one of these:
- Enterprise
- Unlimited
- Developer
- Performance
- Professional PLUS a paid add-on for API access – this is not included by default
What does the integration do?
Salesforce pushes contact information, like name, mailing address, email address, phone numbers, date related key facts like birthdate, and tags from any picklist, multipicklist, checkbox, or string field on the contact level, into Levitate. We help keep your emails feel authentic with filtering and contact enhancement logic (nicknames replace first names, clients marked with a deceased date can also be set to be automatically removed.)
What do we pull in?
Contacts, from Contact Objects in Salesforce
- First Name, Last Name, Nickname
- Note: There is no built-in Nickname field in Salesforce, but any Custom Field that represents the Nickname can be mapped by the user when they connect Levitate to Salesforce
- Mailing Address
- Mailing Street, Mailing City, Mailing State/Province, Mailing Zip/Postal Code, Mailing Country
- Phone Numbers
- All phone numbers found will be pulled into Levitate
- Any date or checkbox field representing the contact is deceased
- A suitable field from Salesforce can be identified as a Deceased Indicator, which Levitate will use to archive the contact.
- Title
- Job Title in Levitate
- Account Name
- Company Name in Levitate
Key Facts
- Birthdate
- Any date field
- Custom key date, like Anniversary, Review, etc. will be crated as a Key Fact in Levitate as long as it's pulled from a date field in Salesforce
- Salesforce tag
- Any contact loaded from Salesforce will get the 'Salesforce' tag
- Any picklist, multipicklist, checkbox, or string field
- A corresponding tag prefixed with the label in Salesforce will be added based on which custom fields are enabled in Admin. Tags longer than 60 characters will be elided with "..."
- Owner
- Salesforce: 'User Name' will show the owner of the contact as assigned in Salesforce.
- Any date or checkbox field indicating the contact has opted out of email
- Unsubscribe tag will be added in Levitate. The field from Salesforce will need to be assigned via the setting in Admin.
What do we push back to Salesforce?
When enabled Salesforce allows Levitate to log notes, emails, logged phone calls, handwritten cards, and text messages. These will all be saved in Salesforce as a note. Accounts can choose to have all, some, or none of these written back to Salesforce.
Enabling the Salesforce integration
Your Success Specialist, or the Implementation team, will enable the Salesforce integration for your entire account when getting set up. Once enabled, you'll see a dashboard card prompting you to get connected.
Salesforce allows for multi-user mapping, but we only have one user connect for syncing data and writebacks. The one connecting user must be an admin user (or a user with access to all contacts) in Salesforce.
The initial sync between Salesforce and Levitate might take a few minutes or up to an hour, depending on the number of contacts. Users can navigate away from the loading page while the import continues in the background.
Once the initial sync has wrapped up, your Success Specialist can assist with mapping contacts to Levitate users, and getting tag and key fact, among other integration preferences set up.
Q: Do we push changes made to contacts in Levitate back into Salesforce?
A: No, Salesforce is your CRM and remains your source of truth for contact info, we just read the contacts as you have them in Salesforce.
Q: I use an intricate Salesforce overlay, or just a lot of manual customizations in Salesforce. Will this work for my account?
A: In most cases like this, we won't know until we try. There are so many versions, overlays, and customizations out there. It really depends on if useful contact data is being stored in the built-in Contact Objects in Salesforce. The integration cannot sync data from completely separate Custom Objects in Salesforce, but can turn custom Contact Fields into Key Facts and Tags.
Q: I have some fields on Account Objects (or others) that I want to use as tags on related Contacts. Will that work?
A: The integration can only produce tags in Levitate from fields on the Salesforce Contact object. The integration can only produce tags in Levitate from fields on the Salesforce Contact object. If the customer can mirror field data from Accounts to their related Contacts, then we can use it. We’re working on a standard recommendation for this, but using a process automation flow might be one way. Note: Formula fields do not appear to be a reliable option for this – even though they may accurately reflect fields from other objects, we can’t observe changes to them unless other fields change at the same time.
Q: Does the integration support syncing households?
A: No. Some customers may have special Account or Group objects that represent households and track relationships between contacts, but the integration cannot currently identify those and turn them into households in Levitate.
Q: Can the integration pull in leads / opportunities / prospects from Salesforce?
A: The integration does not directly sync Opportunity objects. However, if a customer happens to represent these as regular Contacts in Salesforce, we can pull them in and potentially tag them based on a custom field that identifies them as a lead / prospect.
Q: Do we reflect permissions from Salesforce into Levitate in terms of contact connections & visibility?
A: Not really. We will only sync what the connected user can see in Salesforce. Contact ownership can be mapped to any user in Levitate based on the owners in Salesforce. You can set default contact visibility to private in Levitate in order to restrict access to just their mapped owners, but the integration does not add more connections automatically for other users that may be able to see those contacts in Salesforce.
Q: What is Merge / merge.dev? I noticed this displayed when the user connected Levitate to Salesforce.
A: Merge is a third party platform that builds integrations with many source systems and provides a common API for us to sync the data. This makes it easier for us to roll out more integrations in Levitate. We also used Merge as the source of data for QuickBooks Online and Xero.