December 2024 Releases
Better visibility for automation steps, who they were sent from, and when they were sent.
This year, we added the ability to choose a specific user to send automation steps from. This new modal will allow users to have better visibility as to who the automation steps came from.
Event Registration
Search by name
Users are now able to search by attendee name when looking at an Event Registration report.
Event Date added
Now, users are able to see when an event happened to better single out events that might have similar or identical names.
Social Media
Company logo overlay
Now, accounts are able to import their own logo for the purpose of overlaying it on the images used in a social media post. The logo can either have a white background, to better stand out on the image, or a transparent background for more subtle branding.
What the settings look like:
Logo with background:
Logo without background:
Image Selection update
Now, when using AI to create a blog post, the image modal will open with three suggestions based on keywords in the post instead of defaulting to the first image that populates. Having the modal open will allow the user to choose an image, or reevaluate the search based on other keywords or a unique search.
Read more about blogging through Levitate here.
HTML Newsletters
Checkbox for sharing
When saving an HTML Newsletter template, the user can now check to allow other Levitate account users to see the template. This saves a bit of time— as previously, to share the user had to manually go back to the saved template and share.
Text Registration
Opt-in language: requirement updates
As of November 2024, Bandwidth (our upstream carrier) has been enforcing the language requirements for opt-in (on site contact forms, offline verbal, and offline scripts). Here is an image detailing what is required on your site's contact form collecting numbers:
Don't have a contact form collecting numbers on your site? You'll still need to submit registration with compliant opt-in language. Read more about what's required here.