July 2024 Releases

Advanced Search: search by age range and upcoming birthdays

Now, users are able to use our Advanced Search feature to hone in on age range or upcoming birthdays when searching.

By age:

By birthdate:

Read more about our Advanced Search function here.

Households: manually delete household key facts

Now, users are able to delete household key facts— this will disassociate both contacts from the household. Just like with other key facts, if this household is pulling from an integration it cannot be manually removed in Levitate, but will need to be removed from the source integration to be removed.

Smart Key Facts: year optional update

Now, when creating a new date-based Key Fact, the 'Year' field will be optional. Previously, the year requirement barred creation of the key fact if it was missing a year field.

Handwritten Cards: send a handwritten card as an automation step

Handwritten Cards can now be set up to send as a step in an automation.

Users can choose when to mail the card, using the same logic as regular automation steps.

Users can also enable email as a backup— just in case the card isn't able to send out to a specific contact. When that happens, an email copy of the card will send to the recipient.

More about Handwritten Cards + Automations here.

Duplicate Contacts: only show filter as needed

Now, when setting up a send, the toggle to keep the send from going out to duplicate contacts will only show when there are duplicates present in the list of contacts.

Content Calendar: campaign name will show

Instead of showing the subject line of an email send, the content calendar will now show the campaign name. If there is no campaign name, the subject line will be the fall back. Typically, the campaign name is a bit more informational and easier to identify than the subject line.

HTML Newsletter: add HTML sends to contact profile timeline

When sending out an HTML newsletter, the send will be added to each contact's timeline, just like a plain text email would! They will be logged going forward, and will not retroactively log HTML sends. These logs also mean that HTML newsletter sends will write back to integrated softwares!

Read more about HTML Newsletters here.

Integration Settings: merging by ID versus email

Now, all integrations are able to be set to merge contacts by their resource ID (i.e. contact ID, policy number, case number, etc.) in order to keep data cleaner. For clients that have this change enabled now, it is a one time and one way switch. We cannot undo the change!

Integrations have always been set up to merge contacts by email address, unless otherwise specificed by engineering ticket. Hand in hand with some of the improvements we've made around duplicate contacts, we will eventually make it so all contacts being pulled from an integration only merge by resource ID.

For the time being, it's a setting that can be turned on manually in integration settings. Down the line, all accounts will be switched to this method of merging.

Levitate + DonorPerfect integration

The DonorPerfect integration is now available to our nonprofit clients who use DonorPerfect. Levitate will pull in donor and donation information from DonorPerfect. Also, all donation and donor info will be pulled directly into the account's donation board!

DonorPerfect is an API integration that will sync with Levitate twice a day. Levitate will not write back any information to DonorPerfect.

Read more about the DonorPerfect integration here.

Blogs! AI blog prompts, website embedding, and automatic posting

Setting it up

Our new blog feature will making posting blogs as easy as posting on social media or sending out an email campaign! By leveraging an HTML script created by our engineering team, accounts with a blog page on their site (Levitate site or not) can embed that script to allow blogs scheduled in Levitate to automatically be posted to their website.

Accounts with Levitate websites will be able to have this feature set up for them by our website team. Accounts that have websites, that have access to edit the HTML of their site, will also be able to add blogs to their site.


Our content team has created hundreds of blog prompts to be used for posting blogs. Just like email campaigns and social media posts, blog prompts will have their own tab in Campaigns. We'll be using the prompts to prompt our AI assistant to write a full fledged blog post with an image to be posted. All facets of the blog post can be edited— the title, body, and image, using AI or through manual editing.

Event Registration confirmation dialogue

Now, when registering for an event, the registrant will see a new dialogue that confirms their RSVP and shows any added guests.

Send automation steps from a selected user

Account admins can now select a specific user to always send an automation step from.

Under Advanced Options:

Selecting the sender:

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