February 2022 Releases

23 Feb 2022

Content Suggestions

Levitate Audience: All Industries

Levitate has taken our content calendar to the next level with the introduction of Campaign Suggestions! The Levitate Marketing Team is now suggesting the best date and time to send your Levitate Campaigns. Simply browse to your Content Calendar and schedule your campaigns for the next few months! 

16 Feb 2022

Schedule a Meeting

Levitate Audience: All Industries

The Schedule a Meeting feature is now accessible directly from the User Dropdown in the top right corner of Levitate (beside the blue Help button). Now, in fewer clicks you can easily grab a link to your meeting(s) to send to your clients and prospects. 

Click here to lean more about scheduling meetings with Levitate! 

Disable Automation and Cancel Steps in Progress

Levitate Audience: Admins - All Industries

When disabling an automation, admins can decide if in progress contacts complete the automation or if those future steps are cancelled. 

Disable and cancel all in progress

In progress  contacts will not complete the automation; remaining steps are cancelled.

Disable automation only 

In progress  contacts will complete the automation; remaining steps are not cancelled.

9 Feb 2022


Levitate Audience: All Industries

Levitate's content editor now includes Emojis in the toolbar! Users can now add another layer of personalization to their emails by including emojis. 

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