Renewal Automations


This article provides necessary steps for sending automated renewal emails. Renewal Automation can be designed generically, for all policy types, or segmented to send content regarding specific policy types. Renewal automations can trigger emails and text messages directly to clients. As well, you can set up a series of action items for contact owners. 

Click here to learn more about creating automations, using automations, and managing upcoming automations

Creating a Renewal Automation

1. Click the Automations Tab on the left-hand navigation bar

2. Click the Create New Automation button in the top right corner

3. Click the Renewal Automation button

4. Name the renewal automation for internal reference

5. Click the dropdown beside Add a Step to select an action

6. Click the Publish Changes button when complete

Configuring Segments or Policy-Specific Messages

Automations in Levitate can be designed to send steps to customers with specific policies, or segmented steps. Click here to learn more about segmentation. 

Sending Texts Messages

Levitate provides the ability to text clients when their renewal is upon them. Click here to learn more about automating texts messages. 

Choosing multiple policy types per automation step

In policy renewal automations, multiple policy types can now be selected per segment to save time when setting up renewals on the backend.

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