Manage Emails & Email Reports

Email Reports

Ever wonder how your last campaign performed? One of the most frequently visited pages on Levitate is our Email Reports page. You can find it by going to Tags and Reports > Email Reports.

For your regular group email campaigns, you can keep track of how many contacts were emailed, how many viewed, how many replied, and how many failed. Typically the "failed" number indicates an email address that bounced. You can click on each email to get a detailed report. 

  • You can download the report in CSV format
  • You can view the email content that was sent
  • Any contact that had a bounced email address will be automatically tagged as "email bounced", so be sure to look up that tag now and then to clean up that list!

You can check out your individually scheduled emails (for example, birthdays, renewals, anniversaries, etc) by clicking on the green "Individual Emails". You can also manage emails that are part of an automation series from the Email Reports section as well.

Managing Emails

You can manage any scheduled emails from the Email Report section as well, including:

  • Make edits to a scheduled email (content and recipient list)
  • If an email is paused because it's outside of your normal sending hours, you can send the email anyway
  • If an email is paused because we've lost connection to your email server, you can reconnect
  • If an email is paused because we've reached your daily limit, we'll tell you when we will resume sending

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