Overview: Tag Notifications

First of all, what is Levitate's Tag Notifications feature? Essentially, you can tag a group of contacts and set a goal for how often you want to stay in touch with them by setting a Tag Notification. Then Levitate will automatically remind you when the time is up, preventing individuals from slipping through the cracks.

Click on the Tags & Reports tab.

Here you are able to manage your tags. Click on the Manage tags box.

You are able to view all of the tags that are linked to your contacts. From here you can add new tags, delete tags, merge tags or export a report.

To set a tag notification you click on the link to right of the tag group for +Add Tag Notification.

This window will allow you to see reminders for keeping in touch. The reminders will only apply to the contacts in this tag group. You can decide how frequently you want to be reaching out and Levitate will monitor and send you a reminder if you have not been in touch with a contact in this group for the timeframe set.

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