Tag in Bulk

This article explains the best way to tag multiple people at once.

Option 1: Tagging in Levitate 

  1. Click the People tab in the left-hand navigation
  2. Using the check boxes to the left of their names, scroll through the list and select everyone you would like to tag.

3. Click the 'Tag' button at the top and type in the name of the tag.

Option 2: Tagging in a spreadsheet

  1. Click the People tab in the left-hand navigation
  2. Select the 'All' check box
  3. Click the 'Export' button. This will download all Levitate contacts into a spreadsheet.

4. Using the spreadsheet, add a column for tags. Note: multiple tags can be added when separated by commas.

5. When you are finished tagging, send the spreadsheet to your Client Success Manager or support@levitateapp.com to be imported to your account.

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