Email Signatures in Levitate
Setting up your signature for the first time
Click on your name in the upper right corner and click on 'Settings'. Then you will click on the section for 'Email Signature' and 'Add New Signature'.
If you already have a signature you are using with your regular email, that's cool too. We have a robot you can email, and the robot will automatically generate the signature for you.
To do that, simply click on the Add New Signature link and a new pop up will show up:
That blue link is the Levitate Robot's email. Click it and you've copied it. Now open up Outlook and send a New Email. Paste in the email address you just copied (those random letters again), and just make sure your message is your email signature alone. Send!
We will then generate the signature for you for future use.
Have a signature with images or special formatting? Reach out to our Support team to assist in getting your signature set up.
Adding more signatures
Click the Email Signatures tab from within your user settings. You'll choose 'Add New Signature.' From there, you can add more signatures to use when sending.
You can also set up another signature using the steps for setting up your initial signature— but each time, the 'Default' signature will be updated when created through the Levitate robot signature.
Selecting a signature when sending out an email
When previewing content, you will see which signature is currently associated with the send.
When you click the 'Edit' button, you will see a dropdown menu at the bottom of the content that will let you select another signature.