Using Merge Fields in Levitate Emails

You've probably seen the "first name" merge field when you create a new campaign in Levitate.  Additionally you can select various merge fields using the merge fields bar when creating or editing an email:

Below is a table listing all of the merge fields supported by Levitate when you compose an email.  You may also manually enter these merge fields into an email using double braces, as seen in the "Merge Field" column below. When you type one of the merge fields correctly into the email, you'll see a visual indicator that it's a supported merge field, similar to the way that the "first name" merge field looks in the screenshot above.

Contact Property Merge Field Fallback (if field is empty)
First Name {{first name}} Smart Salutation
Last Name {{last name}} None
Company {{Company}} None
City {{city}} "your city"
State/Province {{state}} "your state"
Bio {{bio}} or {{custom}} None
Sender's First Name {{sender first name}} None
Sender's Full Name {{sender name}} None

A word of caution: If you plan to use merge fields, make sure all of your contact records contain the field you plan to use. For the First Name field, Levitate uses our Smart Salutation functionality to fall back gracefully. But for the other merge fields, we will simply replace the field with whatever is in the contact record.

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