Levitate + HawkSoft Integration Overview

Table of Contents

Levitate + HawkSoft: What is the Integration:

Who can utilize the Levitate + HawkSoft integration?

What does the integration do?

How are contacts organized?

What contact information do we pull in?

How does the integration pull in contacts?

How does the integration tag contacts?

Levitate + HawkSoft: What is the Integration:

Levitate teamed up with HawkSoft to simplify contact creation and management in Levitate. The integration automatically pulls your HawkSoft contacts, key facts, and tags into Levitate, preventing a manual export, scrubbing, and import of your data.

The Levitate + HawkSoft integration syncs your contacts nightly, keeping your contacts and their policies evergreen within Levitate.

This is a two-way integration, meaning Levitate can pull and push data to and from HawkSoft. 

Who can utilize the Levitate + HawkSoft integration?

Customers with Levitate Business and Business Plus Accounts in the Insurance sector can utilize the Levitate + HawkSoft Integration.

What does the integration do?

Levitate automatically pulls in contacts, key facts, and tags from HawkSoft nightly, keeping the data evergreen. We scan for contacts with active policies to create primary and secondary contacts, tagging primary contacts with their lines of business. The integration also pulls contacts without policies to create prospecting lists. We help you keep your emails authentic with filtering and contact enhancement logic (Nicknames replace first names, deceased clients are unsubscribed, etc)

Levitate also has the ability to push data into Hawksoft. Levitate writes back emails, notes, phone calls and texts into HawkSoft client "log notes"

How are contacts organized?

HawkSoft contacts are assigned to a Levitate User by either the Producer or CSR listed on the HawkSoft Customer page. Levitate refers to this as “Contact Ownership”. One Levitate user can be the contact owner of multiple HawkSoft Producer/CSR codes/initials.

What do we pull in?

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Nickname (if present, this will become the First Name in Levitate)
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Company name
  • Job Title
  • Birthdays (key fact)
  • HawkSoft Client ID (key fact)
  • Policy Renewal Date (key facts)
  • Client vs. Prospect (tag)
  • Policies (tags)
  • HawkSoft Producer or CSR Initials (tag)

Additional Options:

  • Carrier tag
  • Display both Producer and CSR
  • Sub-status tag
  • Relationship tag
  • Office location tag
  • Source tag
  • Setting to pull in all profiles associated with a Commercial Client

How does the integration pull in contacts?

Primary, Secondary, and Prospects:

  • Not archived
  • Not deceased

Primary Contact

  • Has active policies
  • Marked: IsMain insured in HawkSoft (We honor the order of contacts listed in Hawksoft)

The Primary Profile will have Policy information as tags and key facts.

Secondary Contact

  • Not the same as Primary Contact for the Customer
  • Has active policies
  • Personal Clients: will only pull one Secondary Contact
  • Commercial Clients: option to pull in all Secondary Contacts

The Secondary profile (aka Second Insured) will just have the tag Second Insured.

It’s possible in HawkSoft for an individual to be Second Insured on one Client record and Primary on another. In this case, they can have both policy information and Second Insured in Levitate. This is due to Levitate combining contacts by email address or first + last name.


  • No active policies
  • Marked: IsMain (no secondary contacts are pulled in as prospects)

How does the integration tag contacts?

In general, policies will be mapped as outlined below. In case we don’t have an explicit line of business noted, we may end up falling back to using the tag, General.

If there are no active policies, the tag Prospect will be applied. In addition to the Prospect tag, we will also add a tag based on the type of client: Personal Prospect or Commercial Prospect.

Lines of business are well known types with a shorthand key. Ex. AUTOP maps to “Private Passenger Auto”. This mapping is updated every so often. Each time we deploy a release we will update our list of known lines of business.

Lines of businesses are used to create tags and KeyFacts within Levitate. HawkSoft has a few different properties from which we can infer LOB information. Here’s the method we follow:

  • Policy Title if this matches one of the LOB codes in table above we use that
  • Policy Title if one of the LOB codes contains the value of policy title we use that LOB mapping
  • There is an explicit set of Lines of Business array each element has a Code property, this is the industry standard code. If there is only 1 Line of Business in the array, we will use this Code.
  • As a final fallback, policies have an ApplicationType property. If this is Commercial or Personal we’ll use that. Otherwise, we default to the PolicyType.

Additionally, we will add the following tags:

  • Unsubscribe: applied if the HawkSoft client record is marked as Do Not Market or any of the email addresses pulled from the Contact Profile have Allow Marketing unchecked.
  • Personal: applied if the HawkSoft client record is marked as Personal
  • Commercial: applied if the HawkSoft client record is marked as Commercial
  • HawkSoft: [Initials]: represents the (CSR or Producer) from HawkSoft

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