Levitate + AMS 360

Table of Contents

What is the Integration?

What does the integration do?

Who can utilize the Levitate + AMS360 integration?

How are contacts organized?

What contact information do we pull in?

How are policies translated to tags in Levitate?

Deep Dive on the Logic used to pull data

What is the AMS360 Integration:

Levitate teamed up with Vertafore to simplify Agents’ lives by automating contact creation and management of AMS360 Contacts in Levitate. Essentially, the Levitate + AMS360 integration erases the required steps of manually exporting, scrubbing, importing, and maintaining your data for Levitate.

The integration automatically pulls certain AMS360 contacts and policies to create contact attributes, key facts, and tags in Levitate. By syncing in real-time, these contacts and their policies are evergreen in Levitate.

The Levitate + AMS360 integration writes back notes and emails to AMS360 to keep data consistent across systems.

Who can utilize the Levitate + AMS360 integration?

Levitate customers with Business and Business Plus accounts can utilize the Levitate + AMS360 Integration.

What does the integration do?

This integration takes relationship management to the next level for Insurance agents. Levitate transforms contact, policy, and renewal information into birthday messages, renewal reminders, while also identifying prospecting and rounding opportunities.

Levitate keeps your touchpoints authentic, while streamlining the communication process.

Specifically, we scan AMS360 contacts with active policies to target primary contacts, tagging their lines of business. The integration also pulls contacts without policies to create prospecting lists. We help you keep your emails authentic with filtering and contact enhancement logic (Nicknames replace first names, deceased clients are unsubscribed, etc)

How are contacts organized?

Since AMS360 contacts already align to Executives and Representatives, Levitate simply maps those relationships to the appropriate Levitate User. This is what Levitate refers to as “Contact Ownership”.

There is no need for a 1-1 user alignment between the programs since Levitate users can align to multiple AMS360 Account Executive/Representative codes/initials.

What do we pull in?

Contact Info

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Nickname (if present, this will become the First Name in Levitate)
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Company name
  • Job Title

Key Facts

  • Birthdays
  • AMS360 Client ID
  • Policy Renewal Date
    • Policy details will include Carrier


  • Client vs. Prospect
  • Policies
  • Carrier
  • AMS360 Account Executive or Representative Initials

Additional Options

  • Notation
  • Division
  • Department
  • Branch
  • Group

Levitate can pull in second insured from AMS360.

How are policies translated to tags in Levitate?

AMS360 primary contacts with no active policies are granted the “Prospect” tag in Levitate.

AMS360 primary contacts with active policies are tagged with the “Client” and the equivalent Line of Business tag(s) in Levitate. In addition, Personal Lines policies are also given a “Personal” tag in Levitate. The same is applied to those with Commercial Lines for the “Commercial” tag in Levitate.

Policy information is also used to create Renewal Notification in Levitate via Levitate Key Facts.

Deep Dive on the Logic used to pull data:

In all cases, we attempt to only bring over active policy information. If there are dead files, no active policy found and insufficient contact information (no name or email address), the client record will be skipped.

Depending on the type of customer that is being integrated -- commercial or personal -- we will take different actions to derive the contact information.


There are a few common formatting techniques used when deriving a name from one of the fields.

If the primary customer record does have a first and last name:

  • The first and last name will be used for the Levitate contact
  • We will attempt to look up a CustomerContact with the same name to pull additional information from that is not supplied by the primary customer: address, phone, email address.

For all name fields we do our best to preserve initials and suffixes.

  • Ex. “Billy B. Bradley”, “Billy B. Bradley Jr.”, “Billy B. and Brandy B. Bradley Sr.”


In AMS360, nicknames are specified with parentheses “()” in the FirstName field. Anything between the parentheses will be taken as the nickname.

This is important to note since we wouldn’t want you to put “ (Deceased) “ beside someone’s name. “Hi Deceased” isn’t good for anyone.

AMS360 “Jonathan (Jon) Doe”

  • First Name: Jonathan
  • Nickname: Jon
  • Last Name: Doe


  • First Name: Jon
  • Last Name: Doe

We will attempt to pull the nickname from the following fields, in order:

  • First Name
  • Informal Salutation
  • Formal Salutation

Note: If a Nickname is found in any of the fields it will be set as the first name in Levitate.

First Names

First names are dependent on the type of customer being pulled in -- Commercial or Personal. However, there is a common order to how the first name is derived:

  • If the FirstName field is found to have a nickname, we will pull that out as the first name.
  • We will attempt to use the First Name field
  • We will attempt to use the Informal Salutation
  • We will attempt to use the Formal Salutation
  • If a first name is not found in any of these fields we will not return a first name.

Last Names

Last names are also dependent on the type of customer being pulled in -- Commercial or Personal. However, we do use a common order to how the last name is derived:

  • We will attempt to use the Last Name field
  • We will attempt to use the Formal Salutation
  • We will attempt to use the Informal Salutation

Multiple Names

Multiple names can be specified in a few of the fields. The characters we currently support to determine if a field has multiple names are: &, and, +, &/or.

  • The following fields are checked for multiple names: FirstName, Firm Name (if Personal), Informal Salutation, Formal Salutation.
  • Ex. Contact Name is “Jonathan & Johanna Doe” and Informal Salutation is “Jon and Jane Doe”. First name will be “Jonathan & Johanna”; last name will be “Doe”; nickname will be “Jon and Jane”.


If the primary customer record does not have a first and last name but just a firm name:

  • We take the first Customer Contact record with a name and use that to merge into the record.
  • The following fields will be taken from this Customer Contact if not already supplied by the primary customer: first name, last name, nickname, address, phone, email address
  • The Company name will be set to the Firm name
  • If no Customer Contacts are found, the Firm name will be used as the First Name and “N/A” will be placed in the Last Name -- as of this writing, “N/A” will no longer be displayed in the UI

Once the name information has been resolved we will verify the contact has an email address. If no email address is found, we attempt to find any email address within the list of Customer Contacts and apply it to the customer.


Logic for deriving contact information:

  • If the primary customer record does not have a first name we will attempt to derive a name from the fields listed in Common with the addition of one field. We will first attempt to derive the name from the Firm Name.
  • Changes made to the names in Levitate will not be overridden by AMS360 so you can change them in either Levitate or the AMS360.

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