Levitate + NASA Eclipse Integration

Table of Contents

Levitate + NASA Eclipse: What is the Integration?

Who can utilize the Levitate + NASA Eclipse integration?

What does the integration do?

How are contacts organized?

What fields do we pull in?

Which contacts will I see in Levitate?

How does the integration tag contacts?

How do I set up the Integration?

Levitate + NASA Eclipse: What is the Integration?

Levitate teamed up with NASA (North American Software Associates) to simplify contact creation and management in Levitate. The integration automates reports from NASA to Levitate every few hours, looking for changes. Levitate, turns those reports into your contact list, key facts, and tags, meaning manual exports, scrubbing, and importing your data into Levitate every quarter is no longer needed!

The NASA Eclipse integration keeps your contacts and their policies evergreen within Levitate.

This integration is READ ONLY, meaning Levitate receives data from NASA Eclipse, but NASA Eclipse does not receive data from Levitate.

Who can utilize the Levitate + NASA Eclipse integration?

Customers with Levitate Business and Business Plus Accounts can utilize the Levitate + NASA Eclipse Integration.

What does the integration do?

Levitate and NASA built an integration to keep your clients and prospects, and all their important contact and policy renewal information up to date in Levitate. Once enabled, NASA will securely supply Levitate with your most recent contact data, key facts, and tags. NASA will update us nightly with any changes, keeping your data in Levitate fresh. We create Client tags for contacts with active policies, and tags with their lines of business for focused messaging. The integration also optionally adds contacts from NASA Eclipse without policies to create prospecting lists.

How are contacts organized?

NASA Eclipse contacts are assigned to a Levitate User by either the Producer or CSR listed on the NASA Eclipse Customer page. Levitate refers to this as “Contact Ownership”. One Levitate user can be the contact owner of multiple NASA Eclipse Producer/CSR codes/initials.

What fields do we pull in?

First Name

Last Name

Physical address

Email address

Phone number

Company name

Job Title

Birthdays (key fact)

NASA Eclipse Client ID (key fact)

Policy Renewal Date (key fact)

Client vs. Prospect (tag)

Policies (tag)

NASA Eclipse Producer or CSR Initials (tag)

Additional Options:

Carrier (tag)

Display both Producer and CSR

Which contacts will I see in Levitate?

Primary, Secondary, and Prospects:

Not archived

Not deceased

Primary Contact

Has active policies

Secondary (Family) Contact

Not the same as Primary Contact for the Customer

Has active policies

Personal Clients: will only pull one Secondary Contact

Commercial Clients: option to pull in all Secondary Contacts


No active policies

Not a Secondary contact

The Primary Profile will have Policy information as tags and key facts.

The Secondary profile (aka Second Insured) will just have the tag Second Insured.

It’s possible in NASA Eclipse for an individual to be Second Insured on one Client record and Primary on another. In this case, they can have both policy information and Second Insured in Levitate. This is due to Levitate combining contacts by email address.

How does the integration tag contacts?

If there are no active policies, the tag Prospect will be applied. In addition to the Prospect tag, we will also add a tag based on the type of client: Personal Prospect or Commercial Prospect.

Lines of businesses are used to create tags and Key Facts within Levitate.

Additionally, we will add the following tags:

  • Unsubscribe: applied if the NASA Eclipse client record is marked as Do Not Market or any of the email addresses pulled from the Contact Profile have Allow Marketing unchecked.
  • Personal: applied if the NASA Eclipse client record is marked as Personal
  • Commercial: applied if the NASA Eclipse client record is marked as Commercial
  • NASA Eclipse: [Initials]: represents the (CSR or Producer) from NASA Eclipse

How do I set up the Integration?

If you are a NASA Eclipse customer and want to enable the Levitate + NASA Eclipse integration, just let your Success Manager know! We will walk you through the very quick integration setup.  

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