Integration Settings: merging by resource ID

Some background

Historically, Levitate integrations have always merged contacts by email address. We have provided the option to accounts that do not want to merge by email address to merge contacts in another way, through using a unique ID. Most integrations have an ID associated with every contact.

What's new as of July 2024

Now, all integrations are able to be set to have contacts merge by resource ID (e.g. contact ID, policy or account number, etc.) in order to help keep data a bit cleaner.

For clients that have this change enabled, going from merging by email to resource ID, it is a one time and a one way switch. We cannot undo the change to the contacts that are made after this change has been enabled!

This ability will help with keeping personal and commercial clients separated, keeping contacts that work with multiple companies distinct, spouses that share an email address, but have separate policies, plans, or client information, and more!

What's to come!

Hand in hand with some of the improvements we're making around contacts with duplicate names, we will eventually make it so that all contacts being pulled from an integration only merge by resource ID.

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