Handwritten Cards Bulk Sending

This guide will examine two different ways that users can send handwritten cards to multiple recipients. First, we'll look at sending birthday cards in bulk through the Levitate dashboard. Next, we'll take a look at how users can send cards to multiple recipients through the contact page.

Bulk Send Handwritten Birthday Cards

Once you've located the birthday dashboard card (pictured above in the top right corner of the dashboard) and clicked on it, it will take you to the page pictured below.

From this page, you can find Send a handwritten bday card in the top right corner. This will open a prompt asking you to select a card to send. Once you've decided on a card, click View Card.

This will open up the card editor screen, pictured below.

From this page, you can customize individual cards by clicking on Customize card under the contact name or edit the template that will be sent to all recipients. Keep in mind, only recipients who have addresses will receive a handwritten card. You can update a recipients' address, message, and the signature that you'd like to use from the customization page pictured below.

Once you're happy with the customization, click on Save and go back to all recipients in the bottom left corner of the page.

After all of the cards that you want to customize are finished, you can click Next: Review Order to advance to the order summary page.

On this page, you can see your current card balance, and the balance remaining after the send. Once you confirm that all of the information is correct, click Place Order and you're all set!

Bulk Send Handwritten Cards from the Contact Page

Another way that users can send handwritten cards in bulk is from the Contact page, pictured at the top of this page. From this screen, you can select certain tag groups that you'd like to include in the send.

After selecting the desired tag groups, make sure you select all contacts in the list (you can do this quickly by selecting All) and press the Send Card button at the top of the window.

The next screen will show you how many of the recipients have addresses and allow you to edit the content of the card. If you're happy with the selection, you can press Next: Review Order to go to the order summary.

For sending cards in bulk via the Contact page, you'll need to select a mail date before placing your order. Once you've verified the mail date, the number of recipients, and the balance after sending, you can go ahead and click Place Order. That's it, you're done!

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