Sending Handwritten Cards

Sending a Card from Campaigns

To send a handwritten card from the campaign page, navigate to the Cards tab and select a card that you wish to send.

Selecting a card will open up the card editor. From this page, you can preview the specifications of the card as well as the card type. When you're ready, you can press the Personalize & Send button to begin editing the content on the card.

On the Personalization page, you can add a message (including merge fields such as first and last name) as well as a signature to the bottom of your card. You can use the slider below the card to preview both the front and back of your card. Once you're happy with the content of your card, you can select a recipient by pressing the Next: Choose Recipient button.

Now you'll search for a recipient to send the card to and finalize the details of the send. Once you've selected a recipient, click the Next: Review Order button to update the mail date and return address.

Don't forget to double check the recipient address and return address on the screen. (Note: The mail date must be in the future. If the mail date is in the past, you will not be able to complete your order.)

If everything looks good, you can click the Place Order button to complete your order. You can check out the details of the order in the Card Reporting section of Levitate.

Sending a Card from a Contact Profile

To send a card from a contact profile, navigate to the Contacts section of Levitate and search for a contact to send to.

Once you've found a contact, go ahead and click into their contact profile.

Once you've found the contact profile, scroll down to the recipients address and click on the Send Card button.

From here on, the workflow is the same as sending a card from the Campaigns section (see above).

Once the order is placed, you'll be able to see the status of the send in the Card Reporting section of Levitate.

Card Reporting

To see the status of card sends, you'll want to navigate to the Reporting section of Levitate.

In the reporting section, you should click on Card Report to see a list of all cards that you have sent, cancelled, or scheduled along with mail dates.

If you have any questions about Handwritten Cards or how to use them, please feel free to reach out to your Success Manager.

Want to use your own logo, image, or art on a handwritten card?

Reach out to your success specialist with the image and they will facilitate upload and resizing! Not every image will work, but most should! We recommend a high quality, high resolution, PNG image for best results.

Some handwritten cards FAQs

Can I use Send on Behalf for handwritten cards?


Are card settings, like default font, user specific or account wide?

User specific

Can we send cards internationally?

No, only to US addresses.

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