May 2023 Releases
12 May 2023
Social Media Content Suggestions
The social media content suggestions and approval workflows are now live. To find social media content in the ghost calendar, make sure suggestions are turned on and set the campaign type to social media.
Meeting Booking Notes
There is a new optional field for notes and comments within the meeting booking interface. These notes and comments will show up in the meeting invite.
Custom Fields from Wealthbox
We've added the option to enable custom fields from Wealthbox to be brought over into Levitate as tags. These custom fields can be configured by your success manager.
19 May 2023
Renewal Automation Workflow
There is now an option in the renewal automation workflow to select an employee to send the renewal emails from. It can be enabled via admin settings. Select the renewal automation flow from the dashboard, choose the select an employee option, and choose an employee to send from. The automation will trigger like normal when clicking the Next: Send Optionsbutton.
Automations - Send on Behalf
There is a new feature that gives admins options on who the automation steps should come from. This can be done in two ways. You can go to a contact and add a tag that triggers an automation, then select who the automation should come from and start the automation. The other option is from the contacts page, select one or more contacts and a tag that triggers an automation by clicking the tag button from the list menu, then select who the automation should come from and start the automation.
Clio - Realtionship Tags
We’ve added the option to bring over relationship tags from Clio. From the integration management screen, expand the tags dropdown and enable the relationships option and save. This should have kicked off a reload job if you refresh recent activity. Enabling the new setting should have added tags to each loaded contact that has related matters in Clio. A contact with associated matters Complainant and Lawyer should have the Relationship: Complainant and Relationship: Lawyer tags in Levitate.
Texting Attachment Size Limits
Texting attachment size limits have been increased from 500kb to 4.5mb.
Email Reporting
Within email reporting, we've added the ability to filter all individual emails by event type.
26 May 2023
Happiness Dashboard Updates
The Happiness dashboard has been updated to reflect our new branding and logo. Next week we will update all of our email templates to reflect this as well.
New Language Update
Korean has been added to the translation list.