Levitate Email Writing Best Practices


Levitate Marketing Experts have compiled a list of best practices for writing your own emails. Click here for the entire .pdf.

1. Write emails you would be happy to receive.

Before you even start writing, ask yourself, “Would I want to receive an email on this subject as a client/prospect/contact?” If the answer is no, don’t send it. Embrace quality over quantity of sends.

2. Personalize your subject lines: 

Emails with a personal subject line have an average open rate of 62%. Subject lines we love? “Checking in,” “A quick reminder,” and “Two quick things.” In addition, keep your subject lines sentence case and, in most cases, avoid putting a company name in the subject line. 

3. Say hi and wish them well.

Opening your email with “Hi {{first name}}” makes your email feel more personal. And when you put “Hope you’re doing well” or something similar after your greeting? Clients will take note. One of the first things to get tossed in our go-go-go lives is common courtesy and friendliness. Leading with friendliness helps you stand out from the mass-blast masses.

4. Open with a personal note where appropriate.

Big event coming to town? Mention it! Spent hours at the ballfield this weekend watching little league games? Mention it! Clients love personal anecdotes—when it makes sense in the context of the email. (If you’re sending a payment reminder, you probably should stick to business!)

5. Keep it brief.

The ideal email copy length is between 50 to 125 words. That doesn’t mean all of your emails have to be that short. (In fact, informative emails may regularly be several hundred words.) But to have people consistently read and respond to your emails, try to keep emails to the point where possible and short where appropriate.

6. Use bulleted lists, short paragraphs, and plenty of white space. 

People rarely read content word for word—they’re far more likely to scan. Lists, short paragraphs, and lots of white space make that easier, especially if your content is on the longer side.

7. Steer clear of industry jargon. 

Connect with clients by using everyday language. If you do use industry terms, make sure you define them clearly.

8. Stay consistent in your capitalization.

Decide how you want to capitalize your company’s name, job titles, slogan, and services—and stick with it in all your marketing pieces.

9. Make friends with contractions. 

Don’t hesitate to use them to give your emails a conversational and down-to-earth tone. 

10. Use free online sites to get inspired, find synonyms, and check for typos.

A few of our faves? Grammarly, Powerthesaurus.org, Words to Use, and WordHippo. 

11. Read your emails aloud before you hit send.

It feels silly, but give it a try. You can even whisper it if you want. It will help you catch any lingering errors.

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