Opportunity Boards
To access Opportunity Boards, you'll choose 'Data Boards' from the dashboard's main navigation.
From granular details for users and high-level information for leadership, Opportunity Boards allow companies to visualize and track deal and relationship progression. Levitate admins can design each opportunity board with phases specific to their organization. From there, users can add details and slide from phase to phase as the relationship progresses.
Creating an Opportunity
Users can create contact-specific opportunities to track the the details, values, and progression of their deals.
Designing the Board
Admins can customize columns to reflect their organization's unique cycle.
Importing data to the board using spreadsheets
Now, data for an opportunity board can be imported via CSV spreadsheet!
Available Fields to Import:
Close Date
Opportunity Name
Opportunity Owner*
Opportunity Stage*
Primary Contact*
Starred fields are required fields— if the CSV is missing any or all of the starred fields, the spreadsheet will not import.
Some finer details
- Opportunity Owner must be the email address or ID of an existing user on the customer account
- Primary Contact must be the email address or ID of an existing contact in the customer account. If an email address is given and no contact is found, we will attempt to create a contact with that email address.
- Opportunity Stage must be the name of an existing stage on the board.
- If Opportunity Name is not provided, we will default it to the name of the Primary Contact
- If Company is provided, it must be the ID or the name of an existing Company in the customer account.
Utilizing the Board
Users can filter the board for a customized view!
Multiple opportunity boards
We've added the ability for accounts with the opportunity board feature enabled to create multiple opportunity boards. Previously we limited accounts to one opportunity board.
Levitate users can now track multiple facets of their business, different ventures, or have opportunity boards unique to each user for more granular tracking.