Download Levitate Plugin for Outlook

The Levitate Plugin for Outlook allows you to add contacts, add tags, and key facts without ever leaving your email!

Office365 Users

If you are an Office365 subscriber, you can click on the "Get Add-ins" button on the Home tab, then search for Levitate to add it.

If you have an older version of Outlook, you might see this icon instead.

Either way works. Once you click on the store, search for Levitate in the search bar and add it.

Once you've added the plugin, just open any email and hit the "View in Levitate" button on the ribbon.

If you don't have Office365, you may need to sign up for a free Microsoft AppSource account and download the plugin from the store.

Exchange and IMAP Users

If you do not see either version of the Microsoft Store, don't worry, you can always download the Levitate COM Plugin here (Windows users only). Follow the wizard, and once the download is complete, just restart Outlook and Levitate will be there.

Track Email with Levitate

Having the Levitate Outlook Plugin is also great for when you are composing an email. For example, if an email you are sending is important, you can check the "Track with Levitate" button, and you will be alerted in a real-time when the recipient opens the email, or if they fail to reply in a week. 

You can go to the Levitate dashboard to check out these notifications.

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