Automation Segments

How Does It Work?

One of the most powerful features within Automation is creating different segments, and sending different emails/texts for each of the segments.

All automation types can leverage segments. In the example below, we'll showcase how Insurance customers can use segments to round out accounts prior to renewal.

Instead of adding an email as the first step, you could click on "Add Segments Instead" at the bottom.

From there, you can create Segment 1 - here in the example above, we have this segment set to contacts who have the Homeowner policy renewing. Then, hit the "Add other filters" link below and make sure to exclude the "auto" tag, that way only contaacts with an upcoming homeowner policy renewal — who also happens to not have an auto policy — will get this email instead.

And as per usual, you can set up multiple emails, maybe one going out 60 days prior to renewal, followed by another reminder 30 days later.

You can create another Segment from here, OR, to wrap up, we will always end with the last segment of "everyone else", so contacts with other renewals can get a generic email instead.

Other Use-Cases

Segments can also be helpful in other automation types. Some may wish to send birthday emails to clients that are different from prospects. Some may wish to send a welcome series to new clients based on different types of products, and use this opportunity to slowly introduce other types of products. The more tags you have to work with, the more customized you can make your automations.

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