Getting Started with Levitate

You can watch a recorded Levitate-101 tour right here.


  • The dashboard opens when you open Levitate. As a productivity tool, it will show recent activity within the app including action items, keep-in-touch reminders,  and email tracking. 
  • It will display campaigns to approve or upcoming birthday/renewal reminders. Clicking on those boxes will bring you to the email template to send.

Plus Button

  • The blue plus button located in the bottom right corner of every page allows you to easily add a note, record a note, phone call, action item, or send an email.


  • The campaigns section is the Levitate library of content. Levitate continuously updates the content available based on current events and time of year. For a step-by-step guide on how to send a campaign: click here.
  • You can also write your own content by using the Create Email Campaign button.
  • The content is sorted by vertical, subcategory and allows you to search by keyword.

Content Calendar

  • The content calendar is a visual overview of your scheduled sends by month.
  • This calendar can be used for planning how you want to keep in touch and how often.
  • You can drag and drop an email campaign into the month to kick off the send workflow


All contacts

  • When you view all of your contacts, you have the ability to select multiple people and choose an action keep in touch, send an email, tag, merge, export, etc..
  • If you wish to send a group email, you are able to search by tag and select the contacts to send it to. For inform on how to search and filter see: this article.
  • If you see contacts that you don’t know, you can use a filter to select to show only contacts that you own.

Duplicates of contacts

  • If you find that there are multiple profiles for a single contact, you have the ability to select multiple contacts and merge them into a single profile using the merge button.

Within a contact

  • You have the ability to view information about a single contact. This includes relationship analytics, key facts, tags, personal information, and notes about the contact. For an in-depth guide to the contact profile: click here.


  • Most companies are automatically created during the import process based on a contact’s email domain.
  • You are able to view notes about a company as a whole or see which contacts work at a certain company.

Notes & Actions

  • The notes section is here for you to view any notes that you have recorded about a specific person or company. 
  • Recording a note will count as a last interaction with the given contact.
  • You are able to save attachments to notes.
  • You can also record any emails sent with Levitate as notes.
  • You can CC a coworker on a note.
  • There is the option to view only your notes or all notes made within your company’s Levitate account.
  • The action items section contains keep-in-touches that are due and action items that need to be completed.
  • Any action items with a due date will automatically show up within your calendar for the day.
  • You can assign an action item to a coworker, and you will be automatically notified when it is complete.

Tags & Reports

Manage Tags

  • Here you can edit, merge, and delete tags. You are also able to set notifications for tags.
  • To learn more about tag notifications, click here.

Contacts Report

  • Gives you an overview of contacts that your company has had the most communication with.
  • You can filter this report to the last 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days.
  • This is the same for the Companies Report.

Email Report

  • This feature allows you to view analytics on email sends. These include the number of emails you have sent, the number of contacts you sent them to, the number of views, and the number of replies you have received.


  • Action Item: An action item is a reminder that you are able to set about a specific contact. You are able to assign an action item due date and assign them to an employee or yourself. Action items are productivity-based, and you have the ability to check off action items when they are complete.
  • Following a meeting, you may want to create an action item on a contact’s account using the plus button: “Life Insurance Quote” by next week.
  • Keep in touch: You can set a schedule to keep in touch with an individual. 
  • You can mark “John Smith” for keep-in-touch every 30 days. If you contact him within that period, Levitate will know and push that reminder out for another 30 days.
  • Key Fact: A key fact is a unique piece of information about a client that you can reference to appear personable and genuine.
  • When a client mentions in a call that they have twins, you can go to their profile and add this key fact, “Has twin girls.” That way, the next time you reach out, you can see this key fact, reference it, and appear more personable.
  • Tag: A tag groups a set of contacts together. Tagging contacts makes it easier to keep-in-touch with a group and send group emails.
  • If you have business throughout the country, you can create a tag-based off of the state. Other examples include line of business, renewal date, or active client.
  • A tag for “boat insurance” based on line of business would allow for you to reach out to boat owners at the start of winter to remind them to winterize their boat.
  • Any client that has bought a home in the past could be tagged as “past buyer”, then you can set a notification to keep in touch with this tag group every 6 months. 

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